Publication in Cancer Cell: Precise reconstruction of the TME using bulk RNA-seq and a machine learning algorithm trained on artificial transcriptomes.
This manuscript was written with colleagues from across countries and institutions with major contributions from Vic’s scientists, Susan Raju Paul and Patrick Reeves.
The Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center, MGH (Charlestown, MA) and the Division of Thoracic Surgery, MGH (Boston, MA) collaborated with an external industry partner, BostonGene Corporation (Waltham, MA) to assist in validating a new proprietary RNA-Seq deconvolution algorithm, Kassandra, which has a potential for future clinical application. The manuscript detailing the work was published in Cancer Cell in August 2022. This project was led by Dr Mark Poznansky, along with VIC Scientists Dr Susan Raju Paul and Dr Patrick Reeves, in collaboration with Dr Michael Lanuti and the team at MGH Thoracic Surgery.