Mission Statement:
To enhance immunoprotection and support of transplanted allogeneic islets without systemic immune suppression to cure diabetes in a murine model. To develop efficacious and safe novel therapies for targeted delivery of therapeutic cargo to the graft to treat and prevent type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Research Focus:
The Dogan Laboratory is pioneering research in the development of microgels containing CXCL12 and FasL with the ultimate goal of facilitating allo-islet transplantation for T1D without concurrent use of systemic immunosuppression. Additionally, our focus is to develop a novel, safe and effective islet-targeted gene delivery system to restore and enhance immune protection of the pancreatic islets in early-stage patients.
VIC Projects List
- Combining different approaches to achieve enhanced immunoprotection and support of transplanted allogeneic islets without the concurrent use of systemic immunosuppression to cure T1D.
- Using state-of-art technologies to deliver an immunomodulatory gene/ therapeutic cargo to the pancreatic islets, with the potential for translation to clinical trials and for economic large-scale application.
- Targeting the proinsulin processing pathway to prevent and/or reverse T1D.
- B cell immunotherapy for T1D: Improving beta cell survival and function in T1D through immunomodulatory tissue-protective B cell therapy.
- Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC): Investigation of immune cell composition and cell-cell interactions within the islet graft microenvironment to discover novel targets for graft acceptance.
Highlighted Publications
Combinatorial islet protective therapeutic approaches in β-cell transplantation: Rationally designed solutions using a target product profile.
Faseb BioAdvances 2023; 5: 287-304. doi:10.1096/fba.2023-0002900:1–18. Lu, K.; Brauns, T.; Sluder, A. E.; Poznansky, M. C.; Dogan F.
Telomerase Regulation: A Role for Epigenetics.
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Mar 10;13(6):1213. doi:10.3390/cancers13061213. PMID: 33802026; PMCID: PMC8000866. Dogan, F.; Forsyth, N.R.
DNMT3B Is an Oxygen-Sensitive De Novo Methylase in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Cells. 2021 Apr 27;10(5):1032. doi: 10.3390/cells10051032. PMID: 33925659; PMCID: PMC8145390. Dogan, F.; Aljumaily, R.M.K.; Kitchen, M.; Forsyth, N.R.
Comparative Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Collagen Laminin-Based Dermal Matrix Combined with Resveratrol Microparticles (Dermalix) and Standard Wound Care for Diabetic Foot Ulcers.
Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2020 Mar 4:1534734620907773. doi:10.1177/1534734620907773. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32131656. Çetinkalp Ş, Gökçe EH, Şimşir I, Tuncay Tanrıverdi S, Doğan F, Biray Avcı Ç, Eroğlu İ, Utku T, Gündüz C, Özer Ö.
The effect of ICRT-3 on Wnt signaling pathway in head and neck cancer.
J Cell Biochem. 2019 Jan;120(1):380-395. doi:10.1002/jcb.27393. Epub 2018 Aug 26. PMID: 30145828. Sogutlu F, Kayabasi C, Ozmen Yelken B, Asik A, Gasimli R, Dogan F, Yilmaz Süslüer S, Biray Avcı C, Gunduz C.
Effects of telomerase inhibitor on epigenetic chromatin modification enzymes in malignancies.
J Cell Biochem. 2018 Dec;119(12):9817-9824. doi:10.1002/jcb.27301. Epub 2018 Aug 26. PMID: 30145821. Biray Avci C, Dogan F, Ozates Ay NP, Goker Bagca B, Abbaszadeh Z, Gunduz C.
Investigation of the Effect of Telomerase Inhibitor BIBR1532 on Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Stem Cells.
J Cell Biochem. 2019 Feb;120(2):1282-1293. doi: 10.1002/jcb.27089. Epub 2018 Oct 28. PMID: 30368861. Dogan, F., Ozates Ay NP, Goker Bagca B, Z. Abbaszadeh, Söğütlü F.,Gasımlı R., Gündüz C, Ç. B. Avcı, 2018
Correlation between Telomerase and mTOR Pathway in Cancer Stem Cells.
Gene. 2018 Jan 30;641:235-239. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2017.09.072. Epub 2017 Oct 24. PMID: 29074462. Dogan, F. & Avci, C. B., 2017.

Research Team
Jeyashree Ashok Balasubramanian, MS
Northeastern University, Boston
Research Technician
Research Technician
Assia El Babsiri, MS, Pharmacy Student
Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Paris, Paris
Summer Research Intern
Summer Research Intern
Ben Shaer, student of Gann Academy, Waltham
Jihra James, BS candidate, Langston University
Aaruni Arora, MEng, Imperial College of London, United Kingdom
Katie Lu, BS, Stanford University, California
Esin Ozkan, MD candidate, Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey